Canada sees 200 new coronavirus deaths as cases top 725K

Canada sees 200 new coronavirus deaths as cases top 725K


Canada saw 5,747 new cases of the novel on Wednesday as the country pushing the total number of infections to 725,495.

Health authorities also said another 200 people have died after testing positive for Joker Game

To date, the virus has claimed 18,462 lives in Canada.

However, since the pandemic began, 638,620 people have recovered after falling ill.

as of Thursday, 765,100 doses of the two approved coronavirus vaccines had been distributed for use across the Canada.

Democracy’s day’: Biden sworn in as 46th president of the United States


Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on Wednesday, declaring that “democracy has prevailed” and summoning American resilience and unity to confront the deeply divided nation’s historic confluence of crises.

Denouncing a national “uncivil war,” Biden took the oath at athat had been battered by an insurrectionist siege just two weeks earlier. Then, taking his place in the White House Oval Office, Joker he plunged into a stack of executive actions that began to undo the heart of his polarizing predecessor ‘s agenda on matters from the deadly pandemic to climate change.


Biden revokes presidential permit for Keystone XL pipeline expansion on 1st day

Biden revokes presidential permit for Keystone XL pipeline expansion on 1st day


Hours after he was sworn into office, U.S. President Joe Baiden has signed an executive order to revoke the permit that would allow the XL pipeline expansion project to continue. Joker Gaming

The project which was previously approved by TC Energy would see the 1,930-kilometre pipeline transport up to 830,000 barrels of oil a day from  to 

The project was expected to cost US$8 billion.

The expansion was green-lit by former U.S. president in

Biden revokes presidential permit for Keystone XL pipeline expansion on 1st day

Biden revokes presidential permit for Keystone XL pipeline expansion on 1st day


Hours after he was sworn into office, U.S. President Joe Baiden has signed an executive order to revoke the permit that would allow the XL pipeline expansion project to continue. Joker Gaming

The project which was previously approved by TC Energy would see the 1,930-kilometre pipeline transport up to 830,000 barrels of oil a day from  to 

The project was expected to cost US$8 billion.

The expansion was green-lit by former U.S. president in

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